This is just a brief note for any borrower who has worked with the tribal lending firm Cash Advance, which operates using the website. If you have ever been searching for this company online, or if you have ever received a letter from this company that had a different title, it's probably alright.
The underlying firm that supplies capital to is a company that does not generally conduct business with the public, the name of this company is Hawk, LLC.
Hawk, LLC is the holding company of Cash Advance and they provide a number of the back office functions for Cash Advance, while that arm of the business is engaged in marketing, advertising and pushing their online loan products.
This is not too uncommon for Native American lenders. There usually is a retail facing side of the business, in this case it's and there normally is another branch (another legal entity) like Hawk, LLC that will mainly provide cash to the retail business in order to lend out those funds. But sometimes they perform other functions, such as collections, customer service, account maintenance and other back office support roles.
Now as to why there is so often a break between the retail tribal lender and the back office tribal company is a bit of a mystery. There obviously must be some legal and/or financial benefit to having their business arranged in this format.
For our purposes, if you ever have any dealings or encounters (or collection calls) from a company called Hawk, LLC then just remember to the point in time when you took out a loan from because that's why you are now hearing from Hawk, LLC.
Most likely you will never hear about Hawk even if you did take out a loan through because that's the title they like to use with customers. But on the rare occasion you might see the 'Hawk' title here or there.
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