, pub-0016852085759039, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 LEARN ABOUT THE LENDUP LADDER PROGRAM - Native Loans


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Quick update guys, LendUp is not going to allow the Platinum loan right out the gate. If you want that loan you will first need to do the Silver and Gold loans, and then you can get the Platinum.


Great article! Fantastic website!

Tried to email you - but got a failed-to-deliver notice.

Anyways - I am in the process of acquiring a business that serves tribal lenders. I'd love to get your take on the market if you have time.


Native American Loans

Dan sorry I didn't get a chance to follow-up with your note. The very basic summary of this business is that there are about 8 - 10 operators of tribal loans and yes they are legally recognized tribal entities. They all operate from sovereign lands (most people refer to as reservations, a bit out of the respectful wording we should use these days) and they are able to issue loans without the guidance or oversight of the United States banking laws. This is simply because they are sovereign. Now there have been many lawsuits trying to say that since they are using the internet this puts their operations beyond the scope of the sovereign land, but so far most U.S. Federal Courts have backed the tribal entities up. This is where we stand today. So I would say if you are planning on going into business as a technical / financial company tied to tribal lending - you are in a safe place, as the lawsuits are mostly ended and the industry will have security and the uncertainty is gone.

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